How is the VR and AR working and progressing/improving in this era?

I have choose this title because I wanted to talk about VR and AR games and their technical side of it, what are the prices for it, how they are used, what are the prices at the moment, what kind of VR’s and AR’s we have in use right now and how can be used by futures companies. After that, I want to find out, if AR and VR is the child of “Full Dive” games. By “Full Dive” I mean a new piece of equipment that takes your cautions into the game where you can move around without any restrains, etc…. To do this I will be gathering a range of secondary resources from online and using video documentaries, as well as gathering primary research to get an idea of the popularity of AR/VR.

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Instead of viewing a screen in of you, you are immersed and able to interact with the 3D worlds. Which was created to simulate as many senses as possible such as hearing, touch, vision, even smell, the computer is transformed bridge to this different world where the only restraints are the limits of VR gear and content that you can get for it. The first appearance of the VR set was demonstrated by Sony in March 2014 as a prototype for PlayStation 4  for the different perspective of playing it. For now, the prices for VR gear/set are from £200 to up to £600 and even more.

Augmented Reality (AR) is the same as VR like a two-sided coin. However, AR it’s not exactly as VR but it has the same conception of it which the AR is simulating real-world objects; VR  creates an artificial environment to inhabit. In Augmented Reality, the computer uses sensors and algorithms to determine the position and orientation of the camera. AR technology then renders the 3D graphics as they would appear from the viewpoint of the camera, combining with the computer-generated images over a user’s view of the real world.  Which the army had it first and the users of them were airplane pilots which allowed them to identify enemies/objects they were aiming to destroy or reckon key places and collect information faster.


The first Virtual Reality simulations were created in 1929 by a man called Edwin Link and it was created to increased flying skills of newbie pilots for the world war and the names of those inventions were “Link Trainer” or “Blue Box“. During WW II, over half of million airmen were trained by using Link’s inventions. After that, in the 1950s and 1960s, the VR devices started to take a step in improving them and the shapes started to look like those in these days.

Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull were the first creators of virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD)system which was created in 1968 and it was called The Sword of Damocles. From the 1970s the VR started to advance rapidly and people begin to apply the aspect of VR into the video games, and movies but if you have looked now you would say that it looks quite primitive by comparing nowadays technology and the one in the past. Then, in 1982 the Atari started a virtual reality research lab but it was forced to shut down 1983 because of video game market crash but some of the members from Atari team begin giving foundings to VPL Research, which created new pieces of equipment like Data Glove, EyePhone, and Audio Sphere. Jaron Lanier which was the co-founder of VPL licensed the Data Glove to Mattel which were used to create Power Glove accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Then in 21st, the VR aspect improved and it was used by Google company, the technology both on the hardware and software side which were used in creating higher-resolution maps of our globe and multi-direction tracking has been implemented into HMDs and that gave us Street Views was one of the first large-scale uses of 360 degree media, something that VR is becoming increasingly connected with the industry’s current landscape and games audio engines have been improved to create a more immersive world.


What other major advancements in VR were there after this or even before?

Image result for Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull.


Microsoft HoloLens is shaping up to be another formidable challenger in the Virtual Reality market. Not like the Oculus Rift, Microsoft’s ambitious research teams are basing their display on holographic technology. While this lends itself to Augmented Reality (or, as Microsoft prefers to call it, “mixed reality”) which is more than VR, it’s clear that the display technology alone is meant to be a jumping-off point for virtual experiences to come. For know, the price for the Microsoft HoloLens cost £2,719.00 which is still a development edition.

Therefore, as the VR and AR equipments are improving over the years the are also think that are coming out like: omnitreadmill or teslasuits.

Omnitreadmil is an moving floor that will allow us to move more freely in VR games. It works kinda like normal gym treadmill on which you are moving in one direction but omnitreadmil will allow you to move x and y axis.

The Teslasuit will allow us to feel what our character does in the game like every hit, cold/warm room that your character is entering etc.. However the suits are still in progress so we might be able to get them in couple of years may be more…

To find out/explore what people think about I will use my own survey.

The age of people that took time to answer this survey is from 10 to 27 and it looks like every single one briefly knows what is VR and AR but they can’t give a specific answer. On the other, hand it can be my fault that I didn’t specify what I meant by the question. By using a survey I found out that there is a lower percentage of people with VR sets than I have expected. When I have asked them” why?”, half of them said that is too expensive to buy one even some people don’t really want to buy it because it causes motion sickness when they have used before.
After that, I have asked them if in 10 years you will be able to send our contentious to the game and play freely and by a look at their answer, I can say that they believe that is possible but only if we advance our technology in those 10 years.

In my opinion the VR games have a big potential and we didn’t fully uncover every single think that we can to in these game but for now I can gladly say that the VR’s and AR’s games/technology is improving and it gave us a new way to enjoy our games favorite.


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